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Open Book

Ed-fIRST is a not for profit organization, an independent provider of academic excellence in school education. The organization facilitates focused teacher capacity building programs in assessment strategies, modern assessment practices, Formative and Summative Assessment and other aspects of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment.

It impacts the school head, teacher educator and teachers across the spectrum of schooling ranging from pre-school to post school.

The organization addresses gender and equity issues in school education, quality interventions including ICT and Whole School Assessment.

Educate for Innovation and Research

among Students and Teachers










Ed- f IRST aims to raise standards of excellence and achievement for all learners. Innovative approaches to learning,curriculum development, assessment and pedagogy are the

key drivers of this initiative. A focus on ‘Whole Child’ and ‘Whole School Assessment’ underpin key domains of interest.



Ed-fIRST aims to educate and excel by creating an end to end outcome focused imple- mentation plan for whole school assessment and Continuous Professional Development of teachers, students and other young people.


Why Ed-fIRST?

There is a need to focus on quality research and inno- vation in the educational space. This sector needs to equip students and teachers with skills of the twenty first century to address the global challenges. Improving Learning Outcomes, using assessments meaningfully, curriculum design integrated with assessment, Continuous Professional Development of teachers, Whole School Assessment as a quality assurance initiative are the key Areas of influence at Ed-fIRST.

This creates a unique opportunity to focus on the assessment and measurement of Learning Outcomes across a range of educational con- texts. Ed-fIRST is an organization that supports its work through strong research practices and wide ranging dissemination of the findings of these re- searches.

Ed-fIRST is working to establish and maintain high standards for school excellence. The vertical that we address is school assessment, as a school’s assessment culture influences feelings of self-efficacy and achievement among students and teachers.

Get to Know Us

Ed-fIRST is also involved with Continuous Professional Development of heads of schools, teachers and key administrators including management of schools. It also focuses on:


  • action based research projects in schools such as Data Literacy, tailoring assessment to suit the needs of different stages of schooling,


  • developing supplementary material in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic to enhance Language and Math skill of students,


  • developing Problem Solving Assessments for middle, secondary and senior secondary stages, pedagogic- al skills for teachers,


  • developing Bespoke assessments for prospective employers, Life skills for teachers and students, ‘Learning on the job’ skills for new recruits, and solutions for schools in terms of delivery of quality and excellence.

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